A Starting Place for Business and Tech Geeks

A Starting Place for Business and Tech Geeks

I often times see people whom are clearly business people doing business related things with customers, clients, and the like in very public places in very insecure manors. I was just in an airport where a medical professional of some sort was discussing personal things with what I assume was one of his patients not 5 feet away from me. It was rather disturbing to listen to him as he wrote things down on a clipboard and I could hear the entire side of his conversation from 3-4 seats away.

The nature of his call wasn’t disturbing… but the fact that the person on the other end was having their privacy completely compromised was. What got even scarier is while he was finishing up the conversation, he asked for this person’s health card number so he could document the conversation when he arrived. Not only did she give it to him over the phone, but he READ IT BACK to her over the phone. I could have recorded the entire conversation and I would have had her first name, and health card number along with a slough of medical related information about her. That is scary…

Take a look around next time you are in a coffee shop or public place like a library where people are using their laptop or tablet openly and see what they are doing. You may honestly be able to stand over their shoulder and watch them from 2 feet away for some length of time without them even noticing. These are places where people might even do financial transactions, update banking information or send confidential emails/messages to clients and we are able to see it all as a passerby.